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Mineral Beach

The beach will be closed for renovations as of January 1, 2015 and until further notice.

Address: Mitzpe Shalem, Northern Dead Sea (via route 90)
Telephone: 02-9944888
Suitable for: Couples, individuals, families, groups
Wheelchair accessible: yes
Hours: Sun-Thurs: 9AM – 8 PM. Fridays: 8:30AM – 5PM. Saturdays: 8:30AM – 6PM
Payment: Cash or credit cards
Near Kibbutz Mitzpe Shalem, on the northern end of the Dead Sea, lies one of the best-kept beaches in the region. The beach is clean, tidy, and a lovely place to visit. In addition to regular beach facilities, you’ll find a freshwater pool for toddlers, a shaded, 39ºC sulfur pool, plenty of black mud for smearing all over yourself, keeping with local tradition, and health treatment and massage facilities (reservations required), as well as a cafeteria, showers and storage lockers.