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Southern Dead Sea Sites

  • Masada National Park

    Masada is located at the eastern edge of the Judean Desert, overlooking the Dead Sea. Masada is an ancient fortress at the top of an isolated stone cliff – Herod's royal fortress and the final stronghold of the Jewish rebels during the great revolt against the Romans in the years 66-73.
  • EinGedi National Park

    The EinGedi National Park is by no doubt one of the most beautiful and important nature reserves in Israel. Two streams flow through the reserve – Nahal David in the north and NahalArugot in the south.
  • EinGediNature Reserve

    The EinGedi National Park is by no doubt one of the most beautiful and important nature reserves in Israel. Two streams flow through the reserve – Nahal David in the north and NahalArugot in the south.
  • The Flour Cave and NahalPratzim

    NahalPratzimis an ephemeral stream in the southern Judean Desert. Its source is the Amiaz plain where the water gathers and flows southeast. It is 5.5 kilometers long and flows into the basin at NahalHeimar and Nahal Zohar and into the Dead Sea, north of Mount Sdom.
  • Mount Sdom

    Mount Sdom is located south-west of the Dead Sea and its peak stands 165 meters below sea level (240 meters above the Dead Sea). It overlooks the Dead Sea, Judean Desert and Moab Mountain landscapes.
  • Lot‘s Wife

    Lot's Wife monument is actually a mountain formed like a pillar of salt, visible from route 90. Stop on the side of the road (carefully, of course) to tell your children the biblical story of Lot and his family, and to take a picture near the monument as a souvenir.